Communication starts with a conversation. We believe the best conversations are defined by listening. Sometimes abetted by coffee. Now, this may sound strange coming from a bunch of wordsmiths, but that one word defines our job. No, not coffee: listening. We want to know about you, your business, and your vision. But don’t worry, we don’t expect you to do all the talking. This is a conversation, after all. Our natural curiosity will drive us to ask questions, (probably a lot of them), that help us to understand your needs and expectations.
Three words can be as powerful as three hundred; two words can move a whole generation. Just Do It! Think Different. This is the power of well-crafted words and solid concepts.
Now, well into our second cup of coffee, the ice is broken, and we can get down to it. How do we help you reach your customers? With words, naturally, that’s why we’re here. Inspired by our conversation, motivated by your brand, we begin writing; writing words that move readers to action, sentences that communicate complex ideas clearly, pages that tell your story.
Whether you need enough text to fill a brochure or ideas for branding or rebranding your product or service, we can help.
Some examples of the type of text we can deliver:
What if you’ve already written your text? We’re sure it’s good. But why settle for good? Let us apply our proofreading and editing skills to help your text shine even brighter.
We like words. Love them if we’re completely honest, and we want them to be happy. Silly, some might say. To which we’d respond: what’s sadder than a misspelled word or sentences running on without so much as a breather: a comma, a colon or, one of our favorites, the semicolon; a grammatical gem, quite frankly.
Before we start getting nerdy with our words though, let’s grab some coffee and get to know each other. We look forward to starting a conversation today about you, your business, and most importantly, your customers.
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